Lessons Learned from three Years of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA) in Miches, Dominican Republic
Fundación REDDOM holds Lessons Learned Workshop 17-19 April

The Lagunas Redonda and Limón Wildlife Refuge was a main intervention area. It was declared Ramsar site in 2022. © Rosa Lamelas, CBF
The Fundación Rural Economic Development Dominicana (REDDOM) successfully implemented a three-year project, funded under the CBF’s Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA) Facility entitled “Locally led Ecosystem-based Adaptation in hurricane-prone ecotourism areas within Miches, El Seibo Province, Dominican Republic” (2021-2024). The closing workshop brought together beneficiaries, implementers and the donor to discuss and extract lessons learnt.
A salient point emerging from the event was the need for early and comprehensive identification of relevant stakeholders: institutional, private, NGOs, CBOs, as well as related projects in the area. Their leaders need to be well connected. Reliable accompaniment by REDDOM built their trust and enhanced the permanence of the field team as well as community ownership.
Swift start-up pilots, combined with an awareness campaign, create credibility among beneficiaries and desirable supporters, such as sectoral institutions, city council, associations, etc). This was supported by a close coordination mechanism, training using the Farmer Field Schools methodology, exchange, and timely provision of required inputs.
REDDOM fared well with this project by relying on local technicians who are as familiar with the areas as with the subject matter and the formation of technical and field support groups (brigades). The importance of strengthening local organisations was recognized. The exchange of experiences was encouraged and it facilitated synergies as well as the adoption of new practices.
The REDDOM EbA project encouraged a participatory development of a social, economic and environmental entrepreneurship vision giving rise to a sustainable diversification strategy and cultivated strategic alliances. A broad communication and awareness campaign highlighted both tangible and intangible benefits of ecosystems to humans, particularly resilience to climate change.
The CBF is looking forward to these lessons informing a new CBF-supported project that REDDOM is implementing in Miches: Community-based adaptation in coastal areas of Hato Mayor province, Dominican Republic (2024-2026).
- Country: Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Haití, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Saint Lucia
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