WEBINAR: Leveraging the Cooling Sector for Ambitious NDCs: Policy Instruments and Holistic Mitigation Approaches in Grenada

Cooling sector specific mitigation targets and measures can significantly contribute to achieving a country’s overall climate targets and therefore, need to be considered when defining and updating Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The global project Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change ll (C4 II) launches a webinar series to illustrate tools, methods and best practice examples for designing and implementing more ambitious NDCs in the cooling sector. 

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In Grenada, cooling accounts for one-third of Grenada’s total greenhouse gas emissions and more than 60% of Grenada’s national electricity consumption. Recognizing this, Grenada is at the forefront of advancing Green Cooling technologies to mitigate its environmental impact.

As the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector touches upon many policy aspects, its mainstreaming in the NDC process is key for the reduction of GHG emissions. From housing strategy to waste management and technicians’ capacities, implementation strategies require system thinking and buy-in from involved entities. This webinar will introduce policy instruments for addressing refrigerant and energy-related emissions share best practices from Grenada in leveraging the cooling sector for ambitious climate action.

The webinar will take place on April 12, 2024, from 2 to 3pm UTC.

More information and registration link here