Virtual Platform Promotes Ecosystem Restoration in Central America and the Dominican Republic

Thanks to the joint work of the Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD) and the Green Development Fund (FDV)/REDD+Landscape programme


© Debora Ayala, GIZ

Since October 2022, the restoration platform of the Central American Commission for Environmentand Development is online and will serve to learn about strategies, methodologies, tools, and monitoring of restoration actions in Central America and the Dominican Republic.

The platform includes a Geoportal to consult and download geographic information, biophysical maps, and information on restoration projects being implemented in SICA countries. In addition, it has interactive spaces so that users can share information, experiences and lessons learned in theplanning, execution, monitoring, and dissemination of processes related to the restoration ofecosystems and landscapes. Users will have access to the services of a virtual library, where they can consult relevant strategies, studies, systematizations, and methodologies about restoration. As well, the platform offers webinars and online courses on different topics to continuously train according to your time availability.

This tool has been developed by the CCAD with the technical support of the Information Technology Directorate of the Central American Integration System (SICA) and with the support of the European Union and the German Federal Government through the FDV / REDD+ Landscape project. > More information

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