Land-based Actions for Mitigation and Adaptation: Supporting the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

The Bonn Challenge, the Initiative 20x20, AFOLU 2040 and the UN Decade in Latin America and the Caribbean join forces to achieve regional ecosystem and landscape restoration goals

Devin Azueta, MSDCCDRM Belice

© Devin Azueta, MSDCCDRM Belice

Belize was the host country for the first Joint Annual Meeting of the Bonn Challenge for Latin America and the Caribbean and the 20x20 Initiative, the first face-to-face meeting since the pandemic. Held in the second week of February, the meeting brought together the region's public sector leaders, impact investors and project implementers to strengthen collaboration around ambitious regional restoration goals. 

The meeting discussed progress and priorities for restoration, focusing in particular on its crosssectoral nature and the transformation of productive and conservation practices that contribute to climate resilience. 

Participants shared experiences on investment opportunities and the upscaling of incentives to promote restoration, and the integration of the agricultural and forestry productive sector in efforts to restore terrestrial and marine-coastal ecosystems. In this context, the Central American Commission for Environment and Development and the Central American Agricultural Council of the Central American Integration System (SICA) will present the progress of their AFOLU 2040 Regional Initiative, which aims to achieve carbon neutrality for the SICA region by 2040 and restore 10 million hectares of degraded ecosystems by 2030. > More information

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