Methodology for Creating Adaptation and Decarbonization Roadmaps for Organizations

Metodología para la creación de hojas de ruta para la descarbonización y adaptación de organizaciones
  • Type: Guide
  • Author: Documento del Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía de Costa Rica desarrollado con el apoyo del Proyecto NDC Action
  • Country: Costa Rica

The process of technological transformation towards a low-emission and resilient industry benefits from the creation of decarbonization and adaptation roadmaps for organizations to guide the transformation process. Decarbonization and adaptation roadmaps for organizations define GHG emission reduction targets and adaptation actions, which can be created for a productive sector or an organization.

The NDC Action Costa Rica project has developed the first Methodology for the creation of roadmaps for the adaptation and decarbonization of organizations. This instrument highlights the synergies between adaptation and decarbonization and enhances the actions needed to reduce vulnerability to the current and future impacts of climate change in Costa Rica and its productive sectors.

The methodology contemplates technical, financial, economic and environmental aspects. Its implementation makes use of sectoral and national inputs that seek the alignment of policies at different levels of execution. In addition, its use allows comparison, traceability, and transparency of roadmaps for decarbonization and adaptation of private sector organizations. This type of mixed methodologies, in addition to strengthening synergies at the sectoral and organizational level, are unique at the global level.

Business Climate Roadmap Tool

As an input to the Methodology, the Business Climate Roadmap Tool (HRCE, for its acronym in Spanish) has been created. A tool of the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica developed with the support of the NDC Action Costa Rica Project, as well as the German Development Cooperation - GIZ, through the ACCION Clima Project, which is promoted by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection by virtue of the decision of the German Bundestag in the framework of the International Climate Initiative IKI through a consultancy executed by Climate Lead Group, with the support of the Business Alliance for Development (AED).

The HRCE is a computational tool that facilitates the creation of decarbonization and adaptation roadmaps for organizations or sectors. It contains the results of climate action studies on decarbonization and adaptation.