Towards an Integrated and Inclusive Water and Biodiversity Governance

Linking the practical experiences of Ecosystem-based Adaptation with the articulation between different stakeholders and sectors, the GreenWatersheds project succeeded in promoting effective governance mechanisms for water resources and ecosystem services. 

Personas sentadas en una mesa durante un taller de trabajo

Team workshop of the GreenWatersheds project in the Dominican Republic with representatives of CONORYAQUE and congresspeople of the Northeastern region. © CN – S. Estévez

Prior to GreenWatersheds, most of the partner organizations (Fundación Defensores de la Naturaleza (FDN) in Guatemala, Pronatura México, the Centro Naturaleza in the Dominican Republic, the Unidad de Servicios Ambientales “Alejandro de Humboldt” (UPSA) in Cuba and OroVerde in Germany had a great deal of experience – but especially in the other central axis of CuencasVerdes: community processes and innovative measures for adaptation to climate change and biodiversity conservation. As a result, working on governance was a path with many challenges and lessons learned. However, having a clear vision of the situation, the difficulties and possible practical solutions in the field proved to be extremely valuable for building trust between the different local, political and economic actors, and contributed to devising truly inclusive governance mechanisms. Now, after almost six years of project implementation, the fruits of this comprehensive approach can be seen. 

In the Dominican Republic, the Consejo Noroeste Cuenca Baja Yaque del Norte (CONORYAQUE) has become an important benchmark for water governance in the northwest region of the country and even at the national level, bringing together more than 20 stakeholders from various sectors such as banana producers, community and environmental organizations, wind power generation, agricultural input marketing, universities and farmers. Regular planning sessions address challenges related to water use and ecosystem services, environmental education and training needs, among others. In addition, field visits, regular roundtables with congressmen from the four provinces of the northwest region and meetings with ministers are held. These meetings focused on, for example, the importance of establishing a clear legal regulatory framework for safeguarding environmental resources and services through water, land-use planning and payment for environmental services laws, while emphasizing a coordinated approach to the management and preservation of water resources. CONORYAQUE also played a key role in the regional consultation on the "Dominican Water Pact 2021-2036" and was among the co-signatories when it was approved in August 2023.

Fachada del edificio de CONORYAQUE en República Dominicana

The governance mechanism of CONORYAQUE in the Dominican Republic has its own offices. © OroVerde – I. Naendrup

In Cuba, the project focused on strengthening the Water Councils to improve local governance of water resources. Through joint work tables between government institutions and representatives of different interest groups and civil society, new planning tools were introduced to facilitate compliance with the Councils' operational plans. During these working sessions, the different stakeholders also recognized the advantages of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) measures and agreed to adopt them to improve water management. In light of these advances, the regional government decided to continue the Water Councils and promote the creation of additional Councils in the communities of the Jaguaní River basin. 

In recognition of its experience and successful work in this area, FDN was elected to the national coordination of the Ecosystem-based Adaptation Technical Group GtAbE) in Guatemala. This position opens up a wide range of new opportunities to promote the replication of the methods developed and tested in the EbA component of CuencasVerdes at the national level and to influence the environmental agenda in general.

Full details on the creation of the Technical Advisory Council for the Sierra de Guadalupe State Park promoted by the CuencasVerdes governance component in Mexico can be found on the web platform of IKI Mexico

More information: 

Website of OroVerde