Sustainable Cooling in Honduras: Ceremonial closing event of the Green Cooling Initiative (GCI III)
The current phase of the GCI III project activites in Honduras is over. Now it is time to celebrate the successes, to pass on the gained knowledge and to promote more sustainable cooling in Honduras.
Osly Robert Rodas, Honduras Coordinator of GCI III with training participants at the closing ceremony. © GIZ Proklima
Rising temperatures and population, progressing urbanisation and economic growth are driving up the worldwide cooling demand, particularly in developing countries. But the cooling sector is a massive greenhouse gas emitter, due to the energy consumption of the appliances and the high global warming potential of commonly used refrigerants.
Green Cooling is the most viable way to meet the growing cooling demand and protect our climate at the same time. It is based on two principals: using natural refrigerants with an ultra-low global warming potential and highly energy-efficient appliances.
The Green Cooling Initiative contributes to raising international awareness of the significant mitigation potential associated with climate-friendly cooling technologies. In Honduras, the activities of GCI III are completed. All stakeholders celebrated the achievements with a ceremonial closing event where the project results were presented: Capacity building was among the most significant achievements.
Between 2022 and 2024, the Green Cooling Initiative trained around 340 trainers in the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector in Honduras.
The participants learned how to handle natural refrigerants safely and will pass on their new knowledge to the trainees. Capacity building is very important, because it enables people to sustainably manage their technology transformations. Mr. Miguel Angel Luque, Head of refrigeration program of the Honduran-German Technical Center, remarked: “My experience with the GCI has been outstanding. We have been introduced to new environmentally friendly refrigerants, received training and had the opportunity to become multipliers for young people.”
The trainings were organized by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) and implemented by the Unidad Técnica de Ozono de Honduras (UTOH).
El proyecto Green Cooling Initiative III es ejecutado por GIZ Proklima y financiado por el Ministerio Federal Alemán de Medio Ambiente, Protección de la Naturaleza, Seguridad Nuclear y Protección del Consumidor (BMUV) como parte de la Iniciativa Internacional sobre el Clima (IKI).
- Country: Honduras
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