New podcast showcases efforts of IKI projects in Central America and the Caribbean

Header del podcast The Countdown to 2050

New podcast!

The Countdown to 2050 will take you across Central America and the Caribbean, where you will learn about impacts of projects of the International Climate Initiative (IKI).

The podcast showcases efforts in biodiversity, landscape and ecosystem conservation, as well as mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Available in English and Spanish on Spotify, Apple Podcasts y SoundCloud!


Don't miss an episode: 

3 August 2023: How can we climate-proof our coasts?

Honduras, Guatemala and Belize share their efforts to incorporate adaptation principles into the management of marine protected areas in the Mesoamerican Reef System. Pilar Velásquez of WWF Mesoamerica and Alba Ocampo of the Institute for Forest Conservation of Tela discuss the important work and impacts of the Smart Coasts project.


16 August 2023: How do we strengthen our watersheds?

Dive with us into the importance of healthy watersheds and explore the transformative potential of restoration and EbA (Ecosystem-based Adaptation) measures. Juan Carlos Funes of Defensores de la Naturaleza and Lilian Pérez of the artisanal women’s group Artesanas de Chilascó discuss the efforts of the GreenWatersheds project in Guatemala, where relevant measures are implemented together with the local population.


30 August 2023: How can MRV help in transparent policy making?

Many of the Caribbean small island states that are highly vulnerable to climate change have limited budgets and staff to develop efficient and transparent monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems. Join us as we discuss the support provided by the Caribbean Cooperative MRV Hub with Ahyana Bowen, Tiffany Wallace of the University of the West Indies in Jamaica, and Terrence Gilliard of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy of Saint Lucia.


13 September 2023: How can we increase the resilience of agricultural value chains?

Discover how integrating biodiversity into agricultural value chains can lead to sustainable and resilient food systems. Juan Carlos Moscoa of the German Development Cooperation GIZ discusses, together with Jorge Sánchez and Jocelyn Rojas of NicoVerde, the challenges and successes of embracing biodiversity practices in pineapple and banana production. Tune in to learn more on their cooperation within the From Farm to Fork project.  


This podcast is developed by the German Development Cooperation GIZ in Costa Rica within its project ACCIÓN Clima, as part of its mandate as an interface for the International Climate Initiative in Central America and the Caribbean, and with the purpose of sharing experiences and results of IKI projects that contribute to the region’s sustainable development.