New Marine Project: Save the Blue Five

Meet Save the Blue Five and its dedication to the conservation of the Blue Five that not only safeguards marine biodiversity, but also promotes the sustainable use of resources. 

Mantaraya en el océano

© Pexels/Troy Carroll

Save the Blue Five is a new flagship marine project funded by IKI and jointly implemented by the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific, GIZ, Conservation International, and MarViva on behalf of BMUV. The Southeast Pacific is home to a migratory marine megafauna of whales, dolphins, sharks, sea turtles, and manta rays (the so-called Blue Five), which travel long distances and cross national borders.  

Both the ocean and these species are threatened by the effects of climate change, illegal fishing, and poor regional management. Through the Blue Five, we strengthen regional efforts between Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity. 

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