NDC Action Project Holds 2023 Regional Exchange Session

During the Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW) celebration, representatives of NDC Action Costa Rica, Colombia and Argentina met to share achievements, experiences and challenges in a key event for the project. 

Asistentes del Intercambio Regional del Proyecto NDC Action

Participants of the NDC Action Regional Exchange session. © Carolina Vindas Chacón

During the Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW), the UNEP Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACO) brought together representatives of the NDC Action Project from Costa Rica, Colombia, and Argentina to share experiences, successes, and challenges in the implementation of the projects in their respective countries during an event held in Panama City on October 26, 27 and 28, 2023.

The NDC Action program, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and implemented by the United Nations Environment Program, aims to promote climate action and ambition in 10 countries around the world. In the Latin American region, this program is focused on supporting and accelerating both public and private investment for the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Argentina, Costa Rica and Colombia, in line with the commitments set out in the Paris Agreement.

The NDC Action projects in the region started between 2020 and 2022 and will run until 2024. As they are in their final year of implementation, the meeting between the technical and ministerial representatives was essential to share experiences, identify challenges, highlight good practices and draw valuable lessons. The regional exchange between the three projects and their counterparts strengthened the basis for a more solid and effective collaboration.

The main objectives of the event were to generate spaces for the exchange of experiences, good practices and lessons learned, as well as to stimulate the creation of new ideas and address challenges and solutions in the implementation of NDC Action projects in the region. In addition, it provided the opportunity for personal meetings between the key actors of these projects, allowing the exploration of synergies and opportunities for collaboration that can further enhance climate action in the region.

This meeting not only strengthened the ties between the teams involved in the projects, but also laid the groundwork for future collaborative strategies to promote sustainability and climate action in Latin America and the Caribbean.