Intensive and fruitful: Resilient Caribbean Communities’ Annual Partner Meeting 2023
Six days of intensive knowledge transfer and dialogue on experiences, progress, and next steps
For the seven implementing organizations of the project “Resilient Caribbean Communities”, the annual meeting in Santo Domingo (DR) in March 2023 brought about fruitful days of concentrated work on project development. Results and progress from the first three years were presented, but above all the next steps were systematically examined together: The development of EbA plans, multi-actor partnership solutions, communication strategies, gender sensibility issues, etc. are all components of the project, the heart of which is the development of ecosystem-based adaptation measures to face climate change impacts.
Two equally intensive days in the project region of Enda Dominicana in the South-West of the Dominican Republic brought theory into practice and ensured constructive discussions among the partners. What is clear is that the exchange of knowledge and practical experience is the key to developing effective, nature-based adaptation solutions for increasing resilience of people and ecosystems.
OroVerde, Welthungerhilfe and five local partners from Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic are implementing the project in the Caribbean Biological Corridor until 2027.
Resilient Caribbean Communities – Our work in the Dominican Republic
Resilient Caribbean Communities – Our work in Haiti
COP27 side event: Ecosystem-based Adaptation in vulnerable rural communities - experiences from Haiti, Cuba and the Dominican Republic
Further reading:
Website Oroverde- Country: Cuba, Haití, Dominican Republic
- Project:
- Contact:
Johannes Horstmann
Johanna Maass