Costa Rican Women Learn About Deforestation-Free Beef Production

Project encourages the participation of women of different age groups

Mujeres costarricenses


A pilot project to promote the application of the first sectoral certification standard that will allow the traceability of beef production will be implemented in the Brunca region, with the aim of offering consumers a product derived from deforestation-free farms that apply appropriate mitigation and adaptation measures. 

15 cattle producers from the southern zone interested in applying the criteria suggested by the certification standard and identifying the needs of the production unit to be able to comply with these criteria and be subject to certification are involved. The pilot project is developed by the SCALA project, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), the Livestock Development Corporation(CORFOGA), the Chambers of Livestock Farmers of the Brunca region, and other key actors. 

Some of the participants expected for this pilot project are young and adult women producers who had not received any type of technical assistance until they began to be visited by MAG and CORFOGA technicians. These producers have begun implementing sustainable production practices, which allow them to maintain adequate livestock feed both in the summer and in times of excessive rainfall, including silage and the establishment of a fodder bank. 

In addition, with the support of the Osa Conservation Foundation, a farm plan will be defined in theseproductive units to support them with basic investments that will allow them to approach compliancewith the certification standard and at the same time contribute to the restoration efforts and increaseof tree cover promoted by the Foundation.

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