Community Participation: A Mechanism for the Development of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA) Strategic Plans in the Dominican Republic

On September 28 and 29, 2023, participatory workshops were held in the communities of El Cercado and Hondo Valle, located in the provinces of San Juan and Elías Piña in the Dominican Republic. 

Mujer en una huerta

© Oroverde - K. Osen

Representatives of the communities of Vallejuelo and Juan Santiago, women producers, formal leaders and decision-makers participated in the event. The meeting was part of a series of meetings for the elaboration of the EbA Strategic Plans. The first step was to learn about and reflect on the deforestation cycle, how it starts, and how many years it takes to continuously use a piece of land.  

Pizarra con ciclo de la deforestación

The cicle of deforestation. @ Enda Dominicana

At the same time, they prioritized the EbA measures to be implemented in the project by taking different categories, gave their evaluations of the main elements of an EbA measure and prioritized them according to their interest in the most and least interesting measures. To close, a participatory exercise was carried out, which consisted of defining the dimension of each of the goals by municipality and empowering the social stakeholders involved in the process.