The International Climate Initiative (IKI) helps particularly vulnerable countries and regions to strengthen their adaptability to the consequences of climate change with the purpose of helping people better cope with changing weather conditions. Learn more about the efforts in adaptation to climate change in the region.
EbA LAC: Scaling Up Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures in rural Latin America
Latin American countries are severely affected by the impacts of climate change and associated extreme weather events. The project increases the resilience of vulnerable communities and ecosystems in rural areas of the partner countries. To this end, it develops and implements proven, innovative, and cost-effective EbA approaches in different ecosystems. It also strengthens the capacity of a wide range of actors, including national and local government and civil society organizations, the private sector, service providers, and rural communities. It also embeds EbA practices into the revised NDCs, sectoral plans, and national adaptation plans to better achieve national adaptation goals. The project ensures long-term impact in partner countries through, among other things, the (further) development of innovative financial instruments and products, improved governance and knowledge exchange.

Project data
- Scope: Regional
- Country: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala
- Status: Active
Implementing organization:
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political partner:
- Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) in Guatemala
- Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) in Costa Rica
Implementing partner:
- German Development Cooperation, GIZ, GmbH (Leader)
- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE)
- Online:
Last update: October 2023