The International Climate Initiative (IKI) helps particularly vulnerable countries and regions to strengthen their adaptability to the consequences of climate change with the purpose of helping people better cope with changing weather conditions. Learn more about the efforts in adaptation to climate change in the region.
Resilient Caribbean Communities: Ecosystem-based Adaptation and forest restoration in vulnerable rural communities within the Caribbean Biological Corridor
The level of ecosystem diversity in the Caribbean is among the highest in the world. However, both the region and its valuable ecosystems are under severe threat from the impacts of climate change and human overuse. The project uses ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) measures to increase the resilience and adaptability of the people and ecosystems in the partner countries, thus improving the livelihoods of the rural population at the same time.

Project data
- Scope: Regional
- Country: Cuba, Haití, Dominican Republic
- Status: Active
Implementing organization:
- Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V.
Political partner:
- Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources - Dominican Republic
- Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment (CITMA) - Cuba
- Ministry of the Environment - Haiti
Implementing partner:
- Eastern Center for Ecosystems and Biodiversity (BIOECO)
- Center for Education and Ecological Action, Nature, CEDAE
- Concertation y Action pour le Développement (Concert-Action)
- ENDA Dominicana
- OroVerde - Die Tropenwaldstiftung
- Budgeted Unit of Environmental Services (UPSA) - Cuba
- Online:
Last update: December 2023