The International Climate Initiative (IKI) focuses on the conservation, expansion and connection of protected areas, sustainable use and the reduction of degradation and fragmentation of ecosystems, this through investments, advice to governments, technology transfer and awareness. Learn more about the efforts being made to conserve biological diversity in the region.
Global ICCA Support Initiative 30 x 30
Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) play a crucial role in the conservation of biological diversity at local, national and global levels. The ICCA GSI 30x30 (Phase 2) supports the implementation of Targets 3 and 22 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) in 40-50 countries. Target 3 refers to the need to protect or conserve a minimum of 30% of the planet’s land and sea surface by the year 2030. Target 22 refers to the need for equitable, inclusive and effective involvement of IPLCs in decision-making about nature conservation and biodiversity. The primary focus of the initiative is the provision of small grants directly to civil society organizations, Indigenous Peoples and community-based organizations. The initiative shares community-based good practices, network SGP grantee partners, and upscale and replicate lessons learned through improvements to the relevant ICCA enabling policy and legal frameworks.

Project data
- Scope: Global
- Country: Belize, Guatemala, Panama
- Status: Active
Implementing organization:
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Political partner:
- Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) - Canada
Implementing partner:
- Indigenous Peoples and Community Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCA Global Consortium)
- International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) - Switzerland
- UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC)
- Online:
Last update: March 2025