The International Climate Initiative (IKI) focuses on the conservation, expansion and connection of protected areas, sustainable use and the reduction of degradation and fragmentation of ecosystems, this through investments, advice to governments, technology transfer and awareness. Learn more about the efforts being made to conserve biological diversity in the region.
BIOFIN II: Biodiversity Finance Initiative
The financing of biodiversity conservation is a key issue in the implementation of the CBD. Most countries lack reliable information on the actual costs that are needed to effectively implement their biodiversity strategies, nor do they know where the necessary funds can be sourced and how they can be used to implement their strategies. The BIOFIN initiative, meanwhile active in 37 countries, is a global partnership that supports its partner countries by addressing these knowledge gaps. Financing solutions are being developed and implemented in a second step. BIOFIN Phase II, which is financed through the IKI Corona Response Package, focuses on four signature solutions: Support countries to deal with the impacts of COVID-19, results based and effective budgeting for biodiversity, reducing harmful subsidies and expenditures and greening the financial sector.

Project data
- Scope: Global
- Country: Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala
- Status: Active
Implementing organization:
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Online:
Last update: October 2023